Countless eCommerce owners regret for using lowest cost

as the sole benchmark to choose their first eShop platform.

When business grows, loose back-end operations, from procurement to fulfillment, from stock management to finance or even sometimes production, can hurt your reputation among your customers.

Conventional eShop platforms focus on fancy front-end only.

Little attention is paid for scalability.

The result is straight forward………

an expensive, or even sometimes impossible, online integration with an ERP system.

KopaPro is built on the skeleton of M18 ERP, a proven enterprise-class management system widely adopted in Asia.

Numerous headaches can be resolved with just triggering the M18 ERP behind your KopaPro.

Drop us a message and let us show you how easy it is.

    Hong Kong


    1/F, Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

    Enquiry:(852) 2137 9849

    Tel:(852) 2529 9912 (20 lines)

    Fax:(852) 2527 3253



    10 Anson Road, #17-17, International Plaza,


    ZIP Code: 079903

    Enquiry: (65) 6537 8749

    Tel: (65) 6537 8740 (10 lines)

    Fax:  (65) 6537 8744

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