The “privacy revolution” of social platform draws attention of the online users who are concern with personal data protection, cyber security and cyber bullying issues. Massive user migration from mainstream platforms such as Facebook and Whatsapp to alternate platforms like MEWE, SIGNAL and TELEGRAM wheedles business owners to rethink future strategy to retain young and privacy-conscious customers.
MEWE Account Registration
There are three account types in MEWE: personal, page and group. Simply input your email or mobile number to register a personal account. To register a page, you need to subscribe the page feature at US1.99 per month and as you own a personal account, you can open as many groups as you want.
To take charge in personal data protection, you can go to setting and look for contact and photo, there are layers of privacy option to prevent your photo being shared nor your contacts being reached without your permission.

Page Registration
The domain name of MEWE page comes in the first-come-first-serve basis. Don’t worry if your domain name is being registered as MEWE will number your domain automatically. As for the page name, it is a bit tricky because you probably have to prefix your brand name. So do not act slow in registering your brand as you never know if MEWE will be another Facebook.
The ranking in MEWE search engine is a bit simpler, they look for frequents posts with relevant hashtag. The user with the same interest category of your page will find you when you have good featured post (with many positive comments and interactions).
Page facilitates story posting and fans comment on the posts. If you are looking for more interaction, you need to open a Group instead.
Join a Group
Before you open a group, join some groups of “like-minded” to observe the interaction in MEWE group chat. You will be amazed by how users love chatting instantly with each other than posting comments on the group feeds.
Look for similar hashtags of the popular groups and structure your posts accordingly. Hashtags can only be created when you add a new post but you can add the hashtags on the group / page description, which will help the users to find you.
Cross Platform Sharing
As a new and upcoming social platform, promoting MEWE page/group requires joint effort in the “old” social media: Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram…). MEWE provides URL link or QR code to be shared on those social platform. If you have done your hashtag strategy right, users should be able to find your group or page from search engine.

Don’t hard Sell
Unlike Facebook or Whatsapp where you are familiar with personal selling inside a chat, private message or a comment, MEWE group culture is less influenced by personal selling so far. MEWE group member profile and their historical posts can be viewed by both administrator and members. Administrator can block members who attempt unpopular activities such as selling or posting advertisements.
Don’t Treat All As One
MEWE’s group category of private, selective and open is a powerful tool to segment your members. Think of group category as a VIP group where you have gold, silver and bronze membership. If you already have a sizable Facebook group, invite them into selective MEWE group. Private group and selective group can be utilized effectively in a collaborative event, say a charity event when you manage a team of volunteers in private group and a participant management in a selective group.
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